NADIA GUENET - Concert artist, clown, poet

From France, Nadia Guenet began playing the flute at age 5. She later trained, first with Hervé Jeanclaude, then with Annik Marin at the Regional Conservatoire in Cergy; she also studied the piccolo in Paris, under the guidance of Pierre Dumail.

She has played in several french and foreign orchestras and ensembles, including the Orchestra of the National Opera Bellas Artes of México, the Philharmonic Orchestra of the UNAM (OFUNAM), the Orchestra of European Regions and the Colonne Orchestra as well as the Tempus Fugit, Donna Musica, Lacrymae and Ad Novem ensembles.

She has been a soloist with the OFUNAM Philharmonic Orchestra, the Eduardo Mata Orchestra (OJUEM), the Chamber Orchestra of Bellas Artes (OCBA), the François Couperin Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of the CRE RATP, and the Lacrymae Ensemble. She has performed the premieres of a great number of contemporary works by Laetitia Cuen, Arturo Márques, Maguy Lovano, Patrice Sciortino, Roger Tessier, Damien Charron and Pierre Dutrieux.

Alongside her work as a flautist, Nadia Guenet received a national scholarship for a Ph.D. thesis about “metaphor in poems in French Sign Language”. At that time, she also taught linguistics at the University of Rouen (France). Her career has allowed her to explore the worlds of poetry, mime, theatre and clowning; she has conceived and performed Viagem (2004), Allegro Piccolo ! (2005), Mondo Piccolo ! (2008) and in collaboration with Céline Espardellier, Hek, an Inuit Tale (2007) and Tuktu, the Little Caribou (2011). With the Lire Autrement Company, she has recorded a collection of sound books about a range of french authors and artists: George Sand, Alfred de Musset, Colette, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne and Claude Monet.

Her performance tours have taken her to France, Switzerland, Italy, England, China, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Mexico and Cape Verde.

Nadia Guenet is founder and artistic director of the Piccolo International Festival of México city. Nadia Guenet currently plays principal piccolo at the Philharmonic Orchestra of the UNAM and at the Orchestra of the National Opera Bellas Artes of México.